Our Projects and Inventions Committee
OBJECTIVE: Empower your creativity at Lord's Glory Ministry by bringing bold ideas to life.
SUBJECT MATTER: Whether you're an aspiring inventior, a seasoned project manager, or simply someone with a spark of curiosity and a desire to learn, we inviite you to join us.
SUBJECT MATTER: Whether you're an aspiring inventior, a seasoned project manager, or simply someone with a spark of curiosity and a desire to learn, we inviite you to join us.
- Promote New Ideas Technological Innovations: Get involved with discussions that transform idea's into reality. Learn how projects get funded for government and for consumer use.
- Get Connected with Resources: Design projects that address critical needs. We provide access to tools, materials, and expertise, and funding opportujnities to help members turn their ideas into tangible projects.
- Find your purpose beyond yourself: Discover the joy and fulfillment that comes from serving a cause greater than ourselves.
- Build meaningful connections: Connect with others who share your Christian faith and values.